I'm running into the issue outlined in the Jira issue above. Based on the comment from over a year ago, this issue seems to have been resolved. I am not a Java developer, so I'm not sure what the response means, but I assume it's something that someone who contributes to the Batik project needs to integrate into the binary/release.
Since this was resolved back in December of 2013, I would assume it's integrated into the latest release of Batik, but it's not. I'm running 1.7, and the issue still exists. I'm wondering if anyone familiar with Java, or Batik, can help me with what I need to do in order to resolve the issue outlined above.
So after a lot of investigation, I figured out how to solve this issue:
Create a java.policy file and tell java to use this policy file before executing batik. The following code is all you need in the file:
grant { permission; };