please could someone help me with following problem. Is there any way how to load database from sql datafile? In my tests i am using dbunit. I just normally create new databse schema on my local mysql server and then load all data to this schema and then just testing it in java just like this
@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:context/DAOTestContext.xml")
public class HistoricalDataDAOTest {
private final Integer id = 66124;
private final Integer startDate = 20140101;
private final Integer endDate = 20140102;
private HistoricalDataDAO histDataDAO;
public HistoricalDataDAOTest() {
public static void setUpClass() {
public static void tearDownClass() {
public void setUp() {
public void tearDown() {
public void getTest() {
List portions = histDataDAO.get("ing", startDate, endDate);
public void getByOrderIdTest() {
List<HistoricalPortions> h = histDataDAO.getByOrderId(id);
but i need to load database from sql file before each test, i mean that i want to load database from sql file into empty database schema. In dbunit there is something like @DatabaseSetup("test_db.sql"), but this isn't for sql file i think. Please, is there any way how to do it?
Since you are using Spring, you can use ScriptUtils in your @Before method:
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(connection, new ClassPathResource("test_db.sql"));