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Differentiate between base and derived class when passing as parameters to overloaded methods

I'm currently implementing the visitor pattern in C# for a lecture in the university. It works fine at the moment, but I have a question for a task we had to do. At the moment I have something like this:

public class TreeStructure<T>
  protected TreeStructure<T> _left;
  protected TreeStructure<T> _right;
  public T myValue;

  public TreeStructure(TreeStructure<T> left, T value ,TreeStructure<T> right)
    this._left = left;
    this._right = right; 
    this.myValue = value;
  public virtual void InOrder(MyVisitor<T> visitor)
  protected bool IsEmpty(TreeStructure<T> node)
    return node == null;

 public class SpecialTree<T> : TreeStructure<T>
    public SpecialTree(TreeStructure<T> left, T value, TreeStructure<T> right)
      this._left = left;
      this._right = right;
      this.myValue = value;

    public override void InOrder(MyVisitor<T> visitor)

And now we should implement some visitors. It was no problem, until we should differentiate in one visitor the type of the tree. So I have now one visitor looking like this:

  public interface MyVisitor<T>
    void Visit(TreeStructure<T> tree);

  public class CountVisitor<T> : MyVisitor<T>
    public int count { get; set;}
    public CountVisitor()
      count = 0;

    public void Visit(TreeStructure<T> tree)

    public void Visit(SpecialTree<T> specialTree)

So the question or the problem I have is, that this apparently works in Java, but not in C#. The Visit() Method for SpecialTreeis never called. So I know that I can check specifically for the type of the object like here: What is the best way to differentiate between derived classes of a base class? But can someone explain to me, why it doesn't work with overloaded methods? Or do I have a mistake here?

EDIT: Here is one test initialisation of a tree:

TreeStructure<int> tree1 = new TreeStructure<int>(new TreeStructure<int>  (null,3,null),1,new SpecialTree<int>(null,2,null));
      CountVisitor<int> visitor2 = new CountVisitor<int>();
      Console.WriteLine("Nodecount: " + visitor2.count.ToString());


  • This is highly dependant on the implementation of MyVisitor<T>. In your comment you say it is an interface. Are you sure this is the whole example? The code you show in your question does not compile because the SpecialTree<T> does not invoke its parent constructor.

    If MyVisitor<T> does not declare Visit(SpecialTree<T> specialTree), the interface dispatch done by InOrder will never reach the SpecialTree case.


    Considering your updated initialization code, and assuming the interface is declared as this:

    interface MyVisitor<T>
        void Visit(TreeStructure<T> treeStructure);
        void Visit(SpecialTree<T> tree);

    Your CountVisitor<T> gives me a result of 4, as expected.

    Why didn't it work?

    I'll try to explain why your example did not work. The method InOrder in the class SpecialTree has a parameter of type MyVisitor. When the method Visit is called on MyVisitor, there is no overload that takes SpecialTree, however, there is an overload that takes TreeStructure. C# does not consider the implementation of the interface when looking for the correct method to call. Therefore, the method that has TreeStructure as a parameter is invoked instead of the method that accepts the SpecialTree parameter.

    What if I don't care what kind of tree structure it is?

    In response to your comment, you can just create a method that will be called by all implementations of the tree:

    class DoNotCareVisitor<T> : MyVisitor<T> {
        void GenericVisit(TreeStructure<T> tree) {  
            //.. do whatever 
        public void Visit(TreeStructure<T> tree) {
        public void Visit(SpecialTree<T> tree) {