I have plenty of methods which returns string which I need to unit test. Now challenge for me is is how do I do code coverage? For example, my method looks like the following:
Public String getSqlToDoXYZ(Myconfig config) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ;
sb.append( "SELECT BLAH BLAH");
sb.append("WHERE ABC="+config.getABC());
return sb.toString() ;
How can I unit test such scenario? I am using Mockito to do unit testing. I am new to both Mockito and unit testing.
As pointed elsewhere, using Strings for SQL statements is dangerous, regarding SQL injections. That being said, you simply have to call the method, and compare the result to a String you build "by hand" :
public void testBuildSqlToDoXYZ() throws Exception {
WhateverYourObjectIs yourObject = new WhateverYourObjectIs();
MyConfig myConfig = new MyConfig();
String sql = yourObject.getSqlToDoXYZ(myConfig);
assertEquals("SELECT BLAH BLAH WHERE ABC='foo'", sql);
Mockito would only be helpfull in this case if is impossible for you to create a "MyConfig" object by hand.
There might be something else in your code that makes that difficult, but you haven't really provided us enough info.