I am using DHtmlxGantt. In my smaple gantt chart I have some tasks.
My question is "What is the default start and end values of time scale in a DHtmlxGantt chart".
I know that we can set these boundary values using gantt.config.start_date
and gantt.config.end_date
. But without setting that values explicitly, what would be the default start and end boundaries.
When I tried to read the same properties gantt.config.start_date
and gantt.config.end_date
, without setting them explicitly, the result is coming as undefined
Could you please suggest any solution to get the default start and end values in the gantt chart time scale.
If date range is not specified explicitly, gantt uses the dates of the loaded tasks and adds some offset before the first and after the last task in scale. http://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt_scale_offset_minimal_config.html
You can get a displayed date range programmatically using gantt.getState() method http://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt_getstate.html