in share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev/lst, I find this set of options for ctrl
ctrl Ctrl key position
ctrl:nocaps Caps Lock as Ctrl
ctrl:lctrl_meta Left Ctrl as Meta
ctrl:swapcaps Swap Ctrl and Caps Lock
ctrl:ac_ctrl At left of 'A'
ctrl:aa_ctrl At bottom left
ctrl:rctrl_ralt Right Ctrl as Right Alt
ctrl:menu_rctrl Menu as Right Ctrl
ctrl:ctrl_ralt Right Alt as Right Ctrl
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl Swap Left Alt key with Left Ctrl key
ctrl:swap_lwin_lctl Swap Left Win key with Left Ctrl key
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin Left Alt as Ctrl, Left Ctrl as Win, Left Win as Alt
Some of them work - if I run setxkbmap -option -option 'ctrl:nocaps'
, I get the correct behavior. However, some of the others are ignored, for example setxkbmap -option -option 'ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin'
One observation I've made is that the ignored options are displayed by setxkbmap -query
, but not by setxkbmap -print
. Here's a demonstration of this behavior.
$ setxkbmap -option -option ctrl:nocaps
$ setxkbmap -query
rules: evdev
model: pc104
layout: us
variant: colemak
options: ctrl:nocaps
$ setxkbmap -print
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete" };
xkb_compat { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols { include "pc+us(colemak)+inet(evdev)+ctrl(nocaps)" };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc104)" };
$ setxkbmap -option -option ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin
$ setxkbmap -query
rules: evdev
model: pc104
layout: us
variant: colemak
options: ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin
$ setxkbmap -print
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete" };
xkb_compat { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols { include "pc+us(colemak)+inet(evdev)" };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc104)" };
I don't know how to dig into this any deeper. Some further environment information is
this appears to be because not all of the options listed in the file evdev.lst are also in the neighboring file evdev. I've asked a follow question as to why this is the case at why does the file evdev in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules not match with evdev.lst?