I'm using Dropzone without creating a dropzone form. It works great for me in this way.
But in this case I can not create another instance of Dropzone in my page.
var myDropzone1 = new Dropzone(
url : "upload1"...
. some parameters
var myDropzone2 = new Dropzone(
url : "upload'"...
. some parameters
When I do this, I'm getting the error Dropzone already attached.
It's possible, but you can't bind a second dropdzone on the same element, as you did. 2 Dropzones on one element makes no sense. 2x document.body in your solution atm. Try this...
<form action="/file-upload" class="dropzone" id="a-form-element"></form>
<form action="/file-upload" class="dropzone" id="an-other-form-element"></form>
var myDropzoneTheFirst = new Dropzone(
//id of drop zone element 1
'#a-form-element', {
url : "uploadUrl/1"
var myDropzoneTheSecond = new Dropzone(
//id of drop zone element 2
'#an-other-form-element', {
url : "uploadUrl/2"