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HornetQ Clustering Specific Queue and Topic

I was using HorentQ in clustered mode in JBoss AS 7.1; However I wanted to see if I can cluster specific topics and queues only. I understood from this link that it is possible by configuring the address. However I am not able to find the address which works. Here is a snapshot of the doamin.xml; Where clustering is NOT working

                    <cluster-connection name="my-cluster">
                        <discovery-group-ref discovery-group-name="dg-group1"/>

Here is how the Queue and topic is defined. Changing the address to jms makes everything clustered and it is working, but that is not what I want

                 <jms-queue name="MROQueue">
                        <entry name="mro/MROQueue"/>
                        <entry name="java:jboss/exported/mro/MROQueue"/>
                   <jms-topic name="MROTopic">
                        <entry name="mro/MROTopic"/>
                        <entry name="java:jboss/exported/mro/MROTopic"/>


  • I tried various wildcards in the address but nothing was working. So in the end got this working

                        <cluster-connection name="my-cluster">
                            <discovery-group-ref discovery-group-name="dg-group1"/>

    and queues

    <jms-queue name="cluster.MROQueue">
                            <entry name="cluster.MROQueue"/>
                            <entry name="java:jboss/exported/cluster.MROQueue"/>
      <jms-topic name="cluster.MROTopic">
                            <entry name="cluster.MROTopic"/>
                            <entry name="java:jboss/exported/cluster.MROTopic"/>

    The above made both my Queues and Topics to be clustered. To test I changed to

                        <cluster-connection name="my-cluster">
                            <discovery-group-ref discovery-group-name="dg-group1"/>

    And changed queues to

     <jms-queue name="cluster2.MROQueue">
                            <entry name="cluster2.MROQueue"/>
                            <entry name="java:jboss/exported/cluster2.MROQueue"/>

    and it did not cluster; So that seems to be the way at least in this version for specific clustering