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MQQueueConnection.start does not continuously listen for new messages

Hi i am trying to setup a listener for MQ queue , which needs to listen to a queue continuously and deliver any new message through onMessage function. Program should not exit . Following is a snippet of my program. On MQQueueConnection.start , i get a hit in onMessage function, but after consuming 1 message from MQ, the program stops. i want the program to be running for ever and deliver new messages in the queue through onMessage function. Any ideas what i am doing wrong? With spring jms classes it works as required, though i dont want to use spring here .

public class MyListener implements MessageListener { 

    public void onMessage(Message message)
       catch (Exception exx)
            onHandleMessageException(message, exx);

public class TestListener
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      MyListener myListener = new MyListener();
      MQQueueConnectionFactory connFactory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
      //MyApplicationContext - custom class for loading MQ params
      MyApplicationContext obj=MyApplicationContext.getInstance();


      MQQueueConnection connection=(MQQueueConnection) connFactory.createQueueConnection(obj.getMqUser(), obj.getMqPWD()) ;
      MQQueueSession session=(MQQueueSession) connection.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

      MQQueue queue = (MQQueue) session.createQueue("TEST.QUEUE");
      MQQueueReceiver qReceiver = (MQQueueReceiver) session.createReceiver(queue);

      // expect to start a new thread, which will constantly listen for new messages 
      //on the queue and deliver it in onMessage function.
      //instead after receiving one message in onMessage, program exits


  • connection.start() starts a new thread, but that thread is probably a daemon thread, so it ends when the program ends. You are lucky that you receive even 1 message.

    Try for example a Thread.sleep( 60000) at the end of your main, the listener will then stay in the air for one minute and you will proabably receive a few more messages.