I have recently started using jasmine to write junit testcase for one of our application. I am stuck at this point on how to call the callBack function of the spied function.
setProfile :function(userProfile,callback){
var user;
var subjectInfo;
iService.searchForAccess(subjectInfo , queryCalback);
function queryCalback(err, userProfile) {
Now in my spec i want to mock the call to iService.searchForAccess real world implementation and want to call nocallThrough for searchForAccess . but my queryCalback function has to be called for complete use case coverage.
In my spec i have tried to call queryCalback function explicitly by
iService.searchForAccess.mostRecentCall.args[1](error, userProfile);
but iService.searchForAccess.mostRecentCall
returns {}, empty object.
kindly help!!!!!!!!!!
Regards Punith
I have used sinonjs as solution to above problem statement. Below is the syntax of how its done.
var sinon = require('../node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon.js');
sinon.stub(iService, 'searchForAccess').callsArgWith(1, mockSubjectInfo, session.userProfile);
Hope it will be helpfull to others.
Regards Punith