I'm trying to find the factorial of 9 down to 0, only using one while loop, but my idea isn't outputting a value.
I figured out the way to do it using two while loops:
int i;
count = 9;
while (count >= 0){
value = count;
i = count-1;
while (i > 0){
value = value * i;
System.out.print(value + ", ");
This worked but I've tried to change it to use only one while loop and got this:
int i;
for (count = 9; count < 0; count--){
value = count;
i = count-1;
while (i > 0){
value = value * i;
System.out.print(value + ", ");
I'm not completely sure if I'm using the for statement correctly but I think I am, or at least I think it should output something so I can debug it.
Could someone give me a hint in the right direction?
This will give you all the factorials from 9 down to 1 :
int i=1;
int value=1;
String res = "";
while (i <= 9){
value = value * i;
res = value + ((i>1)?",":"") + res;
Output :
Perhaps it's cheating, since I'm calculating the factorials in ascending order from 1!
to 9!
, but I'm reversing the order of the output in order to get the required result.
Edit :
If you also want 0! to be printed, a small change can do the trick :
int i=1;
int value=1;
String res = "";
while (i <= 10){
res = value + ((i>1)?",":"") + res;
value = value * i;
Output :