I'm trying to encapsulate the events in a service in order to implement a mechanics to subscribe / unsubscribe the listeners when a controller's scope is destroyed. This because I have been using the rootScope.$on
in the following way:
if(!$rootScope.$$listeners['event']) {
$rootScope.$on('event', function(ev, data){
// do some...
$scope.$on('$destroy', function(ev, data){
// unsubscribe the listener
So I just need one listener of this event, I need to delete the existing listener when the controller is no longer alive, because the function I registered earlier is still being triggered.
So I need to implement a $destroy
event listener on my controller, to destroy the listener when the scope is destroyed, but I don't want to do that code each time I create an event.
That's why I want to create a service in where I'm going to encapsulate the events.
angular.module('core').factory('event', [
function() {
var service = {};
service.events = {};
service.on = function(scope, eventId, callback) {
scope.$on('$destroy', function(ev, other){
service.events[eventId] = callback;
// scope = null; I guess ?
service.emit = function(eventId, data){
if (service.events[eventId])
return new Error('The event is not subscribed');
return service;
This could be done using $rootScope instead of my own methods but encapsulating the $on
and $emit
of $rootScope, but at the end I'll have the same issue here.
So these are my questions:
? when this is true means that angularJS has no internal references to the instance?What you are trying to accomplish is basically an event bus.
You have also described very well what is wrong with the current implementation.
A different way to approach the problem is to decorate the $rootScope with your bus (or any other event bus for that matter). Here is how:
app.config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$rootScope', ['$delegate', '$$bus', function ($delegate, $$bus) {
Object.defineProperty($delegate.constructor.prototype, '$bus', {
get: function () {
var self = this;
return {
subscribe: function () {
var sub = $$bus.subscribe.apply($$bus, arguments);
function () {
publish: $$bus.publish
enumerable: false
return $delegate;
Considering the following $$bus implementation (kept basic for simplicity):
app.factory('$$bus', function () {
var api = {};
var events = {};
api.subscribe = function (event) {
if (!events.hasOwnProperty(event.name)) {
events[event.name] = [event];
} else {
return {
unsubscribe: function () {
api.publish = function (eventName, data) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
angular.forEach(events[eventName], function (subscriber) {
subscriber.callback.call(this, data);
api.unsubscribe = function (event) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(event.name)) {
events[event.name].splice(events[event.name].indexOf(event), 1);
if (events[event.name].length == 0) {
delete events[event.name];
return api;
Now all you have to do is subscribe or publish events. The unsubscribe will take place automatically (when the $scope is destroyed):
name: 'test', callback: function (data) {
And later on publish an event:
$scope.$bus.publish('test', {name: "publishing event!"});
An important point to make is that the events themselves are subscribed to each individual $scope and not on the $rootScope. That is how you "know" which $scope to release.
I think it answers your question. With that in mind, you can obviously make this mechanism much sophisticated (such as controller event listener released when a view routed, unsubscribe automatically only to certain events, etc.). Good luck!
** This solution is taken form Here which uses a different bus framework (other then that it is the same).