What is meant by EGit when it displays a number in parenthesis in Package Explorer next to the project name, and a source folder name, but nowhere below?
e.g. notice the number (16):
I have checked out a tag from GIT (HEAD detached state). I don't have any local changes - neither committed or uncommitted.
If that's of relevance, it's a Gerrit repository, in Eclipse Kepler SR1 (Build id: 20130919-0819)
And I don't see a match with the configuration (I am using the default one) under Preferences | Team | GIt | Label Decorations | Projects:
{dirty:>} {name} [{repository} {branch}{ branch_status}]
It's not from EGit.
Note that it's also on src/main/java
. I would guess it's from Findbugs or Checkstyle or another plug-in.