I'm trying to use lightbox2 (http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/) on my wordpress theme because all plugins I tried don't work. The links on my testbloge (http://test.raoulwittenberns.com/blog/) are opening the lightbox but it's opening below the page content and causes the user to scroll down.
Anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it? I'm not using any other plugins and I've tried excluding all other scripts to no succes.
Thanks a bunch!
Your link to the lightbox.css is incorrect --> ellaelisabethlightbox.css.
I imagine it is -->ellaelisabeth/lightbox.css ?
<link rel="stylesheet" src="http://test.raoulwittenberns.com/wp-content/themes/ellaelisabethlightbox.css" media="all" />
Should be :
<link rel="stylesheet" src="http://test.raoulwittenberns.com/wp-content/themes/ellaelisabeth/lightbox.css" media="all" />