I'm working with Spring mvc 4 and glassfish 4 and I had some problems with ajax calls to return object as json, with @ResponseBody. Then I found a proper solution HTTP Status 406. Spring MVC 4.0, jQuery, JSON that it did not totally work on my project I think because my servlet-mapping.
My servlet mapping was:
But I want also to serve the request like /* to avoid problems with 406 http code so I've tried this:
But then the dispatcher also maps the *.jsp and breaks At the end I've tried this:
But then the dispatcher maps the *.js and *.css like bootstrap, jquery etc.
And now I ran out of ideas.
At the end I fix it. For one side to fix the 406 http code problem I specify the content type from ajax and I remove the *.htm from the controller.
And for the other side I had to fix the servlet-mapping and add the resource tag to avoid more problems.
Now my servlet-mapping is like this:
And I add this line to the dispatcher-servlet:
<bean id="viewResolver"
p:suffix=".jsp" />
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />