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ERLang OTP gen_server:call() fails

I have written a gen_server module (data_cahe.erl) that will save the data in ETS.

My code is as follows:


%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
 terminate/2, code_change/3]).

-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(TABLE_ID, ?MODULE).
-record(state, {user_id, my_reading, my_status}).

start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->
{ok, ?TABLE_ID} = new_cache(?TABLE_ID),
{ok, #state{user_id=undefined, my_reading=undefined, my_status=undefined}}.

The handle_call:

handle_call({save, UserId, Readings}, _From, _Status) ->
io:format("Inside handle_call_save: ~n~p~n",[]);
%Check if email is present
case my_reading(UserId) of
{error, not_found} -> %%Email not present
    io:format("Inside handle_call_save Just before save: ~n~p~n",[]),
    Result = save_my_readings(UserId, Readings),
    {reply, ok, #state{user_id=UserId, my_reading=Readings, my_status=Result}};
{ok, Reading} ->
    io:format("Inside handle_call_save Just before delete and save: ~n~p~n",[]),
    delete_my_reading(UserId), %%delete last reading
    Result = save_my_readings(UserId, Readings), %%Save this new Reading
    {reply, ok, #state{user_id=UserId, my_reading=Readings, my_status=Result}}

I'm trying using this handel_call (that has access to Email and AccessToken) to save the data in ETS from the worker module:

case my_app_interface:get_data_summary(binary_to_list(AccessToken)) of
    {error, _Reason1} ->
    %%Start a new Timer Cycle
    Readings1 ->
        gen_server:call(data_cahe, {save, Email, Readings1}), %%HERE IT CRASHES
        io:format("Get Data Summary : ~n~p~n",[Readings1]) %%This is printed when the line above is commented

However the gen_server:call(...) crashes. When I comment out this line the Readings are printed in usual sequence.

I've even commeneted out all the lines except the print statement in handle_call method - but nothing is printed. It seems the gen_server:call(...) is not at all going through. Would be extremely grateful if someone throws some light what is going wrong.


  • maybe you spelled it wrong ? data_cahe instead of ddata_cache..