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vbNewline vs Chr(10) as linebreak delimiter in Windows vs. Mac OSX

I have an Excel sub that uses the Split() function to split CSV data from a cell into an array. However, depending on the version of Excel/OS I'm using, the character used as the line break delimiter changes:

Excel 2011 / Mac OSX:

 fullArray = Split(CSV, vbNewLine) 'successfully returns array

 fullArray = Split(CSV, Chr(10)) 'fails and returns only a single cell

Excel 2007 / Windows 7:

  fullArray = Split(CSV, Chr(10)) 'successfully returns array

  fullArray = Split(CSV, vbNewLine) 'fails and returns only a single cell

Anyone else noticed this/has an explanation why this is going on?


  • If you need to support multiple OS (or different versions on the same OS) you can look in to conditional compilation statements.

    You can refer to this list of built-in compiler constants:

    Define your delimiter variable as a string and assign it the result of a function.

    Dim dlmt as String
    dlmt = newLine()
    fullArray = Split(CSV, dlmt)

    The function then uses the conditional compilation constant to check the OS:

    Function newLine() As String
    #If Win32 Or Win64 Then
        ret = Chr(10)
    #ElseIf Mac Then
        ret = vbNewLine
    #End If
    newLine = ret
    End Function

    Frankly now that I do this I remember it's not strictly necessary to use conditional compile here unless you have methods/properties that won't compile in some versions. You could use the more simple property of Application.OperatingSystem:

    Function newLine() As String
    Select Case Application.OperatingSystem
        Case Like "Windows*" 
            ret = Chr(10)
        Case Else
            ret = vbNewLine
    End Select
    End Function