Can someone please help me understand how to code lex and yacc file for a C program to parse goto and blocks(labels).
Here is some example I found on the net:
<statement> ::=
<variable> <inc> <semi>
| <variable> <assign> <null> <semi>
| <goto> <label> <semi>
But how to uniquely identify label. Can someone give me an example of this or any link where it is mentioned.
You don't need to "uniquely identify" as part of the parser, a label is identified by the syntax of the language. It is entirely legal to allow labels to overlap with other symbol / variable names. Just add a rule for a legal label, reuse the lexer TOKEN for IDENTIFIER, then store labels in a symbol table per function so you can detect duplicate labels.
Typically in C-like languages, a label is part of a statement rule. It doesn't usually make sense anywhere else. The way I do it:
IDENTIFIER ':' statement
$$ = $3;
$$->label = new Label($1);
Another way:
{ $$ = new Label($1); }
label statement
$$ = $2;
$$->label = $1;