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Using templates in tabs with ngStrap 2.1.0+?

In version 2.1.0 of ngStrap they rewrote the Tabs directive. Their documentation on tabs now does not have any examples using templates in tabs. I had Tabs working on my page using 2.0.5 but had to upgrade due to other things not working. I want to make sure i'm not missing something before I open an issue on github.. ngStrap's site still lists template as an option, even though they removed all their examples.

The code that makes my tabs is:

$scope.tabs = [
    title: "Tab 1",
    template: "tab1.html"
    title: "Tab 2",
    template: "tab2.html"

I have tried several different types of displaying the tabs. They're below and can be tested in this plnkr:

Attempt 1:

<div bs-tabs>
    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs" title="{{ tab.title }}"  template="{{tab.template}}" bs-pane></div>

Attempt 2:

<div bs-tabs>
    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs" title="{{ tab.title }}"  template="tab.template" bs-pane></div>

Attempt 3:

<div bs-tabs>
    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs" title="{{ tab.title }}"  ng-bind="tab.template" bs-pane></div>

Attempt 4:

<div bs-tabs>
    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs" title="{{ tab.title }}"  template="tab.template" bs-pane></div>

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


  • I ended up creating a workaround. I'm posting so I can hopefully help someone else down the road.

    I ended up creating a new directive called myTabs, so in index.html i just put

    <my-tabs tabs="tabs"></my-tabs>

    There's also a "static-include" directive which is basically ng-include but does not create a new scope.

    Hope this helps someone down the road!

    Here's the plnkr:

    app.js has:

    $scope.tabs = [
      title: "Tab 1",
      show: true, //this is so this tab shows by default
      templateUrl: "tab1.html"
      title: "Tab 2",
      templateUrl: "tab2.html"

    myTabs.html - this is the template for tabs.

    <ul class="myTabs">
        <li ng-repeat="tab in tabs" ng-class="{active:}" ng-click="setActiveTab(tab.title)">{{tab.title}}</li> 
    </ul> <br/><br/>
    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs" ng-show=""> 
        <div static-include="{{tab.templateUrl}}"></div>


    (function (ng) {
            .directive('myTabs', [function() {
                    return {
                        restrict: 'AE',
                        scope: false,
                        templateUrl: 'myTabs.html',
                        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                            scope.tabs = scope.$eval(attrs.tabs);
                            scope.setActiveTab = function(title) {
                                for (var i = 0; i < scope.tabs.length; i++) {
                                    scope.tabs[i].show = false; // hide all the other tabs 
                                    if (scope.tabs[i].title === title) {
                                        scope.tabs[i].show = true; // show the new tab 
        .directive('staticInclude', function ($http, $templateCache, $compile) {
            return function (scope, element, attrs) {
                var templatePath = attrs.staticInclude;
                $http.get(templatePath, { cache: $templateCache }).success(function (response) {
                    var contents = element.html(response).contents();


    .myTabs {
      list-style: none;
      position: relative;
      text-align: left;
      float: left;
      border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey;
      width: 100%;
      padding-left: 0; }
      .myTabs li {
        border-top-left-radius: 5px;
        border-top-right-radius: 5px;
        padding: 15px 8px 15px 50px;
        font-weight: 0;
        float: left;
        display: block;
        padding: 10px;
        background-color: white;
        border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey;
        margin: 0;
        margin-bottom: -1px; }
        .myTabs li:hover {
          background-color: lightgrey;
          cursor: pointer; }
      .myTabs {
        display: block;
        padding: 10px;
        background-color: white;
        border-bottom: 0px solid lightgrey;
        border-top: 1px solid lightgrey;
        border-left: 1px solid lightgrey;
        border-right: 1px solid lightgrey; }
        .dsTabs {
          background-color: white;
          cursor: pointer; }