I ran into a problem. I am using Unity facebook SDK and FB.API to post on user feed.
The Code I am using is:
if (FB.IsLoggedIn) {
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>() {{"message", "I just scored "+score+" in GameName. Download it now!"}};
FB.API ("/me/feed", HttpMethod.POST,LogCallback, data);
void LogCallback (FBResult result) {
if (result.Error != null) {
print ("score submission failed with error= "+result.Error.ToString());
else {
print ("score submitted with result= "+result.Text.ToString());
and the result I am recieving is:
score submission failed with error= java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed
I searched on the net and found that perhaps it has something to do with
permission. But I am using this permission.
I then went to the see the app on Facebook Developers and went to Status and Review. There Approved permissions are:
email, public_profile and user_friends
I then tried to add
permission but it showed the error that I am missing icon, long description and privacy policy URL.
It wants to submit app for review. Am I doing everything correct? Do I need to upload android apk for them to review?
Can someone guide me? Thank you
You need to ask for publish_permissions from FB.Login first in order to use the /me/feed. (you'll see a message "this app wants to post on your behalf...")
That said: