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JointJS Paper is not rendered if constructed with "ready" model

I'm trying to construct a Paper, while I already have a ready model for it.

for example:

var graphModel = new joint.dia.Graph;

/* add cells to graphModel... */

// now construct the Paper to render on screen 
var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
    el: $('.selector'),
    width: width,
    height: height,
    gridSize: 1,
    model: graphModel

It looks like the Paper renders upon add, change events of the it's model, without checking if the model is already populated with cells to render (at initialization phase).

Sometimes the model is coming by a REST response that was already parsed into graphModel - so in this case the model is ready (so no need to re-manipulate it) and I just want to render it




  • Have you tried calling


    method? This should render the view with the data it already has.


    The thing you're looking for is the paper#resetCells method. Use it like this (see fiddle):
