i want to add multiselect functionality to a field. here is my current code for configuring jtable. how to implement multiselect functionality for a specified field
fields: {
firstName: {
title: 'name',
width: '20%'
surname: {
title: 'surname',
width: '20%'
userName: {
title: 'username',
width: '20%',
key: true,
create: true
enabled: {
title: 'status',
type: 'radiobutton',
options: [
{Value: true, DisplayText: 'enabled'},
{Value: false, DisplayText: 'disabled'}
width: '20%'
roles: {
// i wanna to enable multi-select for this field
title: 'roles',
options: [
{Value: "ROLE_ADMIN", DisplayText: "admin"},
{Value: "ROLE_USER", DisplayText: "user"}
Field Type should be multiselectddl
Make sure you are using the jTable files available in this repository