I have following classes:
abstract class Answer<T> {}
class AnswerInt extends Answer<Integer> {}
class AnswerText extends Answer<String> {}
Now I'd like to use Hamcrest Matcher in following test (it's just simplified example):
public void test() {
Answer a = new AnswerInt(5);
assertThat(a, is(new AnswerInt(5))); // Compile error
but I get compile error:
The method assertThat(T, Matcher<? super T>) in the type MatcherAssert is not applicable for the arguments (Answer, Matcher<AnswerInt>)
I do understand the error message but I don't get why assertThat
is defined like .. Matcher<? super T>
Is it possible to write assertions that mix superclass and subclass?
Next, I'd like to write assertions like:
Map<String,Answer> answerMap = questionary.getAnswerMap();
assertThat(answerMap, allOf(
hasEntry("var1", new AnswerInt(5)),
hasEntry("var2", new AnswerText("foo"))
But I'm getting the same error.
I'm using Hamcrest version 1.3
If you run your test with Java 8 it compiles. For previous versions you have to give the compiler a hint:
public void test() {
Answer a = new AnswerInt(5);
assertThat(a, Matchers.<Answer>is(new AnswerInt(5)));