I have troubles figuring out why resolving an IP takes so much longer then resolving the domain name. I do understand that the IP has to be converted in order to be used by the getByName method. But this:
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("google.com");
System.out.println("Reachable: " + address.isReachable(10000));
runs almost 20 times faster then this:
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");
System.out.println("Reachable: " + address.isReachable(10000));
My goal is to search a specific network segment for live hosts by IP-Adress. So going through this 65025 times to run from till doesn't seem to be to smart. :-(
Is there a better way of doing this. Unfortunately calling the "ping-command" is not an option.
Thanks Calle, it also seems that playing around with portscans and many DNS lookups can trigger funny effects on the network infrastructure. After running a couple of those lookups inside a for loop with multiple treads I got a call asking what I was doing. :-(