I just started using Hamcrest, so I'm probably doing it all wrong.
I have a List<Foo> foos
and the Foo
interface looks a bit like this:
public abstract interface Foo {
public String getBar();
It is implemented by impl.FooImpl
public class FooImpl implements Foo {
protected String _bar = "some value";
public String getBar() {
return _bar;
My assert looks like this:
Matchers.<Foo> hasProperty(
equalTo("some value")
Unfortunately, JUnit/Hamcrest isn't happy:
Expected: a collection containing hasProperty("bar", "someValue")
got: <[com.example.impl.FooImpl@2c78bc3b]>
Any idea what I need to do to fix this?
Update: My "test" class is here:
public class FooTest {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
List<Foo> foos = Arrays.<Foo> asList(new FooImpl());
Matchers.<FooImpl> hasItem(Matchers.hasProperty("bar", equalTo("some value")))
Clearly, what I'd like to see is that assert pass without getting an exception... :)
Update: this is now fixed; I just set up a blank maven project in IntelliJ and it ran fine. It might have been down to a typo, or me importing the wrong method in Eclipse, but it's a OSI Layer 8 problem for sure. I asked for the conversation to be closed. Sorry everyone, and thanks for your help.
The code you posted works fine. The error you have is due to a mismatch between "someValue"
and "some value"
in the code you're running locally. Upgrade to Hamcrest 1.3 and you'll get a clearer error message:
Expected: a collection containing hasProperty("bar", "someValue")
but: property 'bar' was 'some value'
Since you may be getting different results, here's a full example that passes, with JUnit 4.11 and Hamcrest 1.3. In Foo.java
public class Foo {
public String getBar() {
return "some value";
And in FooTest.java
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FooTest {
public void test() {
List<Foo> foos = Arrays.asList(new Foo());
Matchers.<Foo>hasItem(Matchers.hasProperty("bar", Matchers.equalTo("some value"))));
If I intentionally break this test by changing the property name in the test to "notbar"
then I get:
Expected: a collection containing hasProperty("notbar", "some value")
but: No property "notbar"
If, instead, I break it by expecting "some other value"
, then I get:
Expected: a collection containing hasProperty("bar", "some other value")
but: property 'bar' was "some value"
If you're getting different, or less clear, errors, you may have a separate issue.