I have to make a string by using the values which the user selects on the webpage,
Suppose I need to display files for multiple machines with different search criteria...
I currently use this code:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand
WHERE MachineID=@machineID and date= @date", connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@machineID", machineID);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
Now this is a fixed query where the user just has one machine and just selects one date...
I want to make a query in which the user has multiple search options like type or size if he/she wants depending on what he/she selects.
Also if he/she can select multiple machines...
WHERE (MachineID=@machineID1 or MachineID = @machineID2...)
AND (date= @date and size=@size and type=@type... )
All of this happens at runtime... otherwise I have to create a for
loop to put multiple machines one by one... and have multiple queries depending on the case the user selected...
This is quite interesting and I could use some help...
If you are going to do this via dynamic SQL, you need to build a call to the IN function. (e.g. In(id1, id2, id3...)
private string GetSql( IList<int> machineIds )
var sql = new StringBuilder( "SELECT FileID FROM Files Where MachineID In(" );
for( var i = 0; i < machineIds.Count; i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
sql.Append(", ")
sql.Append("@MachineId{0}", i);
sql.Append(" ) ");
//additional parameters to query
sql.AppendLine(" And Col1 = @Col1" );
sql.AppendLine(" And Col2 = @Col2 ");
return sql.ToString();
private DataTable GetData( IList<int> machineIds, string col1, int col2... )
var dt = new DataTable();
var sql = GetSql( machineIds );
using ( var conn = new SqlConnection() )
conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
using ( var cmd = new SqlCommand( sql, conn ) )
for( var i = 0; i < machineIds.Count; i++ )
var parameterName = string.Format("@MachineId{0}", i );
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( parameterName, machineIds[i] );
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@Col1", col1 );
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@Col2", col2 );
using ( var da = new SqlDataAdapter( cmd ) )
da.Fill( dt );
return dt;