I am looking for an easy and efficient way to implement a set of numbers in a lexical parser in java. For example my input code is as follows :
"6+9" ,
the output would have to be a little like this :
Number : 6
Sign : +
Number: 9
The issue I have is i have no way to recognize the number other than to implement it as follows :
static char INTVALUE = ('0') ;
which means I would have to manually enter each number from 0 to 9 and I don't know If such a method would even allows to have a number such as 85 in my input .
This is for a homework assignment by the way Thanks .
Why dont use regular expressions for this. It sounds a best fit for what you are attempting to do.
Its fairly simple to learn. Look at Character classes (\d) and Quatifiers(+ ?) in this cheatsheet
To check for integers and doubles us the following.
For just integers: