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Excel SUMIFS with Ranges as Criteria

I'm having some issues getting SUMIFS to do what I want (maybe because it cannot). Here's exactly what I'm trying to setup:

  • Sheet with denormalized data (server, files by extensions, counts, sizes)
  • Sheet with rows of strings (server names)
  • Sheet with rows of string + formula

Basically I'm trying to look at how the data on my various data servers is bucketed. So I have a list of extensions that I care about (let's say .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx) and a list of servers I care about (let's say serv_a, serv_b, and serv_c). Given the massive worksheet I have with all the data from all the servers and all the files I need to get the count of files on the server which have extensions that I care about.

Here's the formula I'm using now (it is not working)

  =SUMIFS(data!$C:$C, data!$A:$A, A2, data!$B:$B, filter!$A:$A)

Where data!$C is the count of a extension on a server, data!$A is the server name, A2 is server name I want to filter on, and filter!$A is the list of extensions I want to filter on.

I do think it's the LIST of extensions to filter by which is breaking things. Given a single value (.docx) I can count 143,567 files on a given server, but the query returns 1.



  • If you enter a range of cell as criteria, you'll have to enter it as array formula (see link).
    You do that by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
    Your formula should then look like below:

    {=SUMIFS(data!$C:$C, data!$A:$A, A2, data!$B:$B, filter!$A:$A)}

    That will then return an array of values which are the SUMIFS result of each criteria.
    To return it into a single value, sum it up using SUM which accepts array parameter.
    Final formula should look like below, again entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter. HTH.

    {=SUM(SUMIFS(data!$C:$C, data!$A:$A, A2, data!$B:$B, filter!$A:$A))}

    Bonus: Credits to barry houdini

    This non-array formula works the same way:

    =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIFS(data!$C:$C, data!$A:$A, A2, data!$B:$B, filter!$A:$A))