While I am adding a Fixed Price Listing on eBay. It is giving following error: No product found for ProductListingDetails.<4897010771015> You've provided an invalid postage policy.
But by using the same c# code, I have added multiple similar types of listings before. But now it is giving the above error.
May I get a quick reason and solution for the above error.
There are basically three possible reasons for this error. I can't tell which one applies because you didn't really post any details in the question.
One, your secret code has a subtle bug that wasn't tripped with previous listings. Resolution: Debug your code.
Two, eBay made a change to their postage policy or listing validation code, and your listings are no longer valid under the new rules. Resolution: Update your code to comply with the latest changes.
Three, eBay updated their servers with code that contains a bug in the logic for validating postage policies. Resolution: Wait for eBay to fix the bug.