I have the Bitcoin Core version v0.9.0.0-g92d25e4-beta (64-bit) software installed on my computer and the config file is also setted up, and Bitcoind running in background. I have a small PHP script(run over localhost), this script communicate with bitcoind via RPCClient json. I created 2 request payment in my Bitcoin Core wallet and i sent the money to generated address from my blockchain BTC wallet, the money was sent successfully and it has 3 confirmations too.
Now, i would like to check the transactions status in php with Bitcoind's Getreveivedbyaddress('generated address here') function.I would like to now when the money is received. I tried to call many times that function but it return always 0.(destination addresses are internal adresses becouse it were generated via BitCoin Core )
print $bitcoind->getreceivedbyaddress('13hHHBcaccPM5XSSiihhbrzRChbyvP49QQ');
I am sorry for my English;
Try running the command in the console.
bitcoind getreceivedbyaddress bitcoinaddresshere
And see what is returned.
Have you initialised your connection with bitcoind in PHP?
Have you setup your bitcoin.conf file to allow RPC connections?