I'm new to mongo so i dont have a clue how to do this.
I'm working on a mvc project with repository pattern, and mongo database, using mongodb-C# driver. I cant figure out how to ensure that some fields are unique when created in database, for example when user registers i want the UserName or email to be unique.
According to mongodb docs this is how you create the unique index
db.accounts.ensureIndex( { "tax-id": 1 }, { unique: true } )
How can i do that with repository pattern and mongodb-C# driver?
This is a sample of the generic repository:
public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
public static MongoCollection Repository
get { return MongoHelpers.GetCollection<T>(); }
public virtual T Save(T pobject)
//should i modify something here?
return pobject;
public virtual T GetByID(BsonValue id)
return Repository.FindOneByIdAs<T>(id);
public virtual T GetByCondition(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition)
return Repository.AsQueryable<T>().Where(condition).FirstOrDefault();
... more code ...
Here is a sample model:
public class Membership
public ObjectId UserId { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
//can it be solved by adding data annotations? - if so, how?
public string Email{ get; set; }
public MembershipStatus Status { get; set; }
Here is a sample of a service layer that calls the methods mentioned above:
private readonly IGenericRepository<Membership> _membershipRepository;
public RegisterService(IGenericRepository<Membership> membershipRepository)
_membershipRepository = membershipRepository;
public Membership CreateNewUser(RegisterModel registerModel, Role role, bool requireConfirmationToken)
var membership = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<RegisterModel, Membership>(registerModel);
...mode code...
return membership;
I can always search the database to see if a value exists, but isnt there something better/cleaner? Thanks
I've figure out how to handle this one. These 2 sources on stackoverflow helped me doing it:
This is the method that I've added in the repository:
public virtual void CreateIndex(string[] fields)
foreach (string field in fields)
if (!Repository.IndexExists(field))
Repository.EnsureIndex(new IndexKeysBuilder().Ascending(field), IndexOptions.SetUnique(true).SetSparse(true));
And then i have another class where i initialize the database indexes, and i call it in global.asax for example:
public static class DatabaseConfig
private static IGenericRepository<Membership> _membershipRepository = new GenericRepository<Membership>();
private static IGenericRepository<Profile> _profileRepository = new GenericRepository<Profile>();
public static void CreateIndex()
_membershipRepository.CreateIndex(new string[] { "UserName" });
_profileRepository.CreateIndex(new string[] { "Email" });
... more code ...