I have contenteditable div, and span with text inside.
<div contenteditable="true"><span> Some text.. </span></div>
I need insert in place of caret closing and opening span tags. Like:
<div contenteditable="true"><span> Some </span><span> text.. </span></div>
I tried to make it by insertHTML:
document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '</span><span>');
It works in Crome, but Firefox makes span object and insert here (inserts a valid html). It turns out:
<div contenteditable="true"><span> Some <span></span> text.. </span></div>
Does anyone know how to split the span tag inside contenteditable div? Thanks in advance
You could just use the innerHTML property to insert any HTML code, here's an example using javascript:
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = "<span>Here is the new Content!</span>";
And give your div the id="myDiv"