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Could not find pubspec.yaml in unittest 0.11.0+5

I'm running pub get and its reporting that it can't find a pubspec.yaml file in unittest package, anyone seen this before? Im on Dart Editor version 1.8.0.dev_00_00 (DEV) Dart SDK version 1.8.0-dev.0.0


  • The downloaded package in


    didn't have a pubspec.yaml file in it, and using pub cache repair wouldn't work for that very reason also so I had to manually open the directory and delete it then when I did a new pub get it did work. Sounds like cache repair might need tweaking to make it delete any corrupted packages that didnt have their pubspecs downloaded with them and I beleive this broken state was created by me running a pub get whislt a pub get was already in progress on the same pubspec.yaml file, so probably best you avoid doing that.