Before adding my "needs" the controller looked like this
var MyController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
wat: function() {
return true;
This allowed me to write really simple unit tests like so
test('wat always returns true ... huh', function() {
var controller = new MyController();
var wat = controller.get('wat');
But after I added a "needs" block like so ...
var MyController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: 'application',
wat: function() {
return true;
The "new up" won't work and QUnit / ember is throwing an error like so
"Please be sure this controller was instantiated with a container"
Without saying "pull in / use ember-qunit" what other options do I have here? Can I simply slam in a "stub" to satisfy the container requirement?
With ember-qunit (which I'm not the biggest fan of) you can grab the controller using this.subject()
and setting up the module like so:
moduleFor('controller:comments', 'Comments Controller', {
needs: ['controller:post']
If you weren't using Ember Qunit you could just use the container to fetch the controller (Initialized dependency not present when testing). Here's a helper:
function(app, look) {
return app.__container__.lookup(look);
And you could use it easily like so:
test("root lists 3 colors", function(){
var c = containerLookup('controller:foo');