I can't figure it out, hope there is a simple solution but I can't see where is this script failing. This script is a part from a wp plugin, but where it fails there is no wp code.
what it does is count to an end date and print it on screen. The line:
amount = (dateFuture.getTime() - dateNow.getTime()+5);
is showing a negative number, so It's impossible, future date is "2014-10-23 23:00:00" and the current date and time in my country is "2014-10-23 20:00:00" cannot be < 0 if dateFuture - dateNow. Code fails when is the actual date (2014-10-23) but no the hour. i.e. the actual day always shows Day: 0, Hour: 0, Mins: 0, Secs: 0. It's working properly if the day is a future day.
Thanks a lot for your help and time in advance.
function countdown_shortcode_handler( $args, $content = null ){
$dateEnd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now +3 hours"));
$theme = "default";
$tz = false; //"America/Los_Angeles";
if(isset($args["date"])){ $dateEnd = $args["date"]; }
if(isset($args["theme"])){ $theme = $args["theme"]; }
if(isset($args["timezone"])){ $tz = $args["timezone"]; }
$oldtz = date_default_timezone_get();
date_default_timezone_set($tz); // Change locale
$strTime = strtotime($dateEnd);
$randID = md5(rand(9000, 10000));
<link href="<?php print plugins_url('countdown/theme/' . $theme . '/style.css') ?>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="<?php print $randID ?>" class="countdown"><?php print date("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A", $strTime) ?></div>
var dateFuture = new Date(<?php print date("Y", $strTime) ?>,<?php print (date("m", $strTime)-1) ?>,<?php print date("d", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("h", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("i", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("s", $strTime) ?>);
function count<?php print $randID ?>timer(){
dateNow = new Date();
amount = (dateFuture.getTime() - dateNow.getTime()+5);
delete dateNow;
if(amount < 0){
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .days .number").html("0");
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .hour .number").html("0");
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .mins .number").html("0");
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .secs .number").html("0");
days = 0;
hours = 0;
mins = 0;
secs = 0;
amount = Math.floor(amount / 1000);
days = Math.floor(amount / 86400);
amount = amount % 86400;
hours = Math.floor(amount / 3600);
amount = amount % 3600;
mins = Math.floor(amount / 60);
amount = amount % 60;
secs = Math.floor(amount);
if(jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .days .number").html()!=days){
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .days .number").html(days);
if(jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .hour .number").html()!=hours){
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .hour .number").html(hours);
if(jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .mins .number").html()!=mins){
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .mins .number").html(mins);
if(jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .secs .number").html()!=secs){
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .secs .number").html(secs);
if(days==0){ jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?> .days").hide(); }
setTimeout("count<?php print $randID ?>timer()", 1000);
var holder_stuff = '<span class="number"></span><span class="over"></span><span class="title"></span>';
var holder_days = jQuery("<span>").addClass("days").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_hour = jQuery("<span>").addClass("hour").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_mins = jQuery("<span>").addClass("mins").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_secs = jQuery("<span>").addClass("secs").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
jQuery("#<?php print $randID ?>").html("").append(holder_days).append(holder_hour).append(holder_mins).append(holder_secs);
count<?php print $randID ?>timer();
date_default_timezone_set($oldtz); // Restore current time
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
add_shortcode('countdown', 'countdown_shortcode_handler');
function countdown_wp_enqueue_scripts(){
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'countdown_wp_enqueue_scripts');
Generated Javascript:
<div id="951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498" class="countdown">Thursday 23rd of October 2014 11:00:00 PM</div>
var dateFuture = new Date(2014,9,23,11,00,00);
function count951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498timer(){
dateNow = new Date();
amount = (dateFuture.getTime() - dateNow.getTime()+5);
delete dateNow;
if(amount < 0){
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .days .number").html("0");
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .hour .number").html("0");
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .mins .number").html("0");
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .secs .number").html("0");
days = 0;
hours = 0;
mins = 0;
secs = 0;
amount = Math.floor(amount / 1000);
days = Math.floor(amount / 86400);
amount = amount % 86400;
hours = Math.floor(amount / 3600);
amount = amount % 3600;
mins = Math.floor(amount / 60);
amount = amount % 60;
secs = Math.floor(amount);
if(jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .days .number").html()!=days){
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .days .number").html(days);
if(jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .hour .number").html()!=hours){
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .hour .number").html(hours);
if(jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .mins .number").html()!=mins){
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .mins .number").html(mins);
if(jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .secs .number").html()!=secs){
jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .secs .number").html(secs);
if(days==0){ jQuery("#951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498 .days").hide(); }
setTimeout("count951124d4a093eeae83d9726a20295498timer()", 1000);
var holder_stuff = '<span class="number"></span><span class="over"></span><span class="title"></span>';
var holder_days = jQuery("<span>").addClass("days").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_hour = jQuery("<span>").addClass("hour").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_mins = jQuery("<span>").addClass("mins").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
var holder_secs = jQuery("<span>").addClass("secs").addClass("item").html(holder_stuff);
This line is wrong:
var dateFuture = new Date(<?php print date("Y", $strTime) ?>,<?php print (date("m", $strTime)-1) ?>,<?php print date("d", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("h", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("i", $strTime) ?>,<?php print date("s", $strTime) ?>);
You want don't want
<?php print date("h", $strTime) ?>
You want
<?php print date("H", $strTime) ?>
In other words you want 0-23 hours, not the 1-12 hours.