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Using Excel VBA to send Skype messages to Group Chat

I'm trying to use Excel VBA to send Skype messages and I found this code

Sub Test()

Dim aSkype As SKYPE4COMLib.Skype
Set aSkype = New SKYPE4COMLib.Skype
Dim oChat As Chat
Dim skUser As SKYPE4COMLib.User
    Set skUser = aSkype.User("user_name")
    Set oChat = aSkype.CreateChatWith(skUser.Handle)
   oChat.SendMessage "automated message"

End Sub

and it works perfectly fine but only for single contacts.. I also found this code

msg.Chat.SendMessage("your message")

that's supposed to send messages to group contacts but I can't seem to integrate it to the above code.. I found a few links online which hints at it being possible but they're all in C# and not VBA.. Any help on this is very much appreciated..


  • You need to define more than one user. One way is by using a collection.

    Sub Test()    
      Dim aSkype As SKYPE4COMLib.Skype
      Set aSkype = New SKYPE4COMLib.Skype
      Dim oChat As Chat
      Dim skUser As SKYPE4COMLib.User
      Set oMembers = CreateObject("Skype4COM.UserCollection")
      Set oChat = oSkype.CreateChatMultiple(oMembers)       
      oChat.Topic = "Group Chat Topic"
      oChat.SendMessage "automated message"     
    End Sub

    Here is a great resource from Skype with lots of VBA examples. See page 21 for multi-chat.