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Samplegrabber works fine on AVI/MPEG files but choppy with WMV

I have been using the latest version of the WPFMediaKit. What I am trying to do is write a sample application that will use the Samplegrabber to capture the video frames of video files so I can have them as individual Bitmaps.

So far, I have had good luck with the following code when constructing and rendering my graph. However, when I use this code to play back a .wmv video file, when the samplegrabber is attached, it will play back jumpy or choppy. If I comment out the line where I add the samplegrabber filter, it works fine. Again, it works with the samplegrabber correctly with AVI/MPEG, etc.

 protected virtual void OpenSource()
        FrameCount = 0;
        /* Make sure we clean up any remaining mess */

        if (m_sourceUri == null)

        string fileSource = m_sourceUri.OriginalString;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileSource))

            /* Creates the GraphBuilder COM object */
            m_graph = new FilterGraphNoThread() as IGraphBuilder;

            if (m_graph == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not create a graph");

            /* Add our prefered audio renderer */

            var filterGraph = m_graph as IFilterGraph2;

            if (filterGraph == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not QueryInterface for the IFilterGraph2");

            IBaseFilter renderer = CreateVideoMixingRenderer9(m_graph, 1);                                

            IBaseFilter sourceFilter;

            /* Have DirectShow find the correct source filter for the Uri */
            var hr = filterGraph.AddSourceFilter(fileSource, fileSource, out sourceFilter);

            /* We will want to enum all the pins on the source filter */
            IEnumPins pinEnum;

            hr = sourceFilter.EnumPins(out pinEnum);

            IntPtr fetched = IntPtr.Zero;
            IPin[] pins = { null };

            /* Counter for how many pins successfully rendered */
            int pinsRendered = 0;                

            m_sampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)new SampleGrabber();
            hr = m_graph.AddFilter(m_sampleGrabber as IBaseFilter, "SampleGrabber");

            /* Loop over each pin of the source filter */
            while (pinEnum.Next(pins.Length, pins, fetched) == 0)
                if (filterGraph.RenderEx(pins[0],
                                         IntPtr.Zero) >= 0)



            if (pinsRendered == 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not render any streams from the source Uri");

            /* Configure the graph in the base class */

            HasVideo = true;
            /* Sets the NaturalVideoWidth/Height */
        catch (Exception ex)
            /* This exection will happen usually if the media does
             * not exist or could not open due to not having the
             * proper filters installed */

            /* Fire our failed event */
            InvokeMediaFailed(new MediaFailedEventArgs(ex.Message, ex));



 private void SetupSampleGrabber(ISampleGrabber sampleGrabber)
        FrameCount = 0;
        var mediaType = new AMMediaType
            majorType = MediaType.Video,
            subType = MediaSubType.RGB24,
            formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo

        int hr = sampleGrabber.SetMediaType(mediaType);


        hr = sampleGrabber.SetCallback(this, 0);

I have read a few things saying the the .wmv or .asf formats are asynchronous or something. I have attempted inserting a WMAsfReader to decode which works, but once it goes to the VMR9 it gives the same behavior. Also, I have gotten it to work correctly when I comment out the IBaseFilter renderer = CreateVideoMixingRenderer9(m_graph, 1); line and have filterGraph.Render(pins[0]); -- the only drawback is that now it renders in an Activemovie widow of its own instead of my control, however the samplegrabber functions correctly and without any skipping. So I am thinking the bug is in the VMR9 / samplegrabbing somewhere.

Any help? I am new to this.


  • Some decoders will use hardware acceleration using DXVA. This is implemented by negotiating a partly-decoded format, and passing this partly decoded data to the renderer to complete decoding and render. If you insert a sample grabber configured to RGB24 between the decoder and the renderer, you will disable hardware acceleration.

    That, I'm sure, is the crux of the problem. The details are still a little vague, I'm afraid, such as why it works when you use the default VMR-7, but fails when you use VMR-9. I would guess that the decoder is trying to use dxva and failing, in the vmr-9 case, but has a reasonable software-only backup that works well in vmr-7.

    I'm not familiar with the WPFMediaKit, but I would think the simplest solution is to replace the explicit vmr-9 creation with an explicit vmr-7 creation. That is, if the decoder works software-only with vmr-7, then use that and concentrate on fixing the window-reparenting issue.