I am still learning how to use rich client platform and window builder.
what I have at the moment is a simple plugin project with a view, I then added a second view and in the perspetiveextensions extension, I made it so that both of the views are side by side...
But now here is the question, I have this model provider:
public enum ModelProvider {
List<Object> model;
private ModelProvider {
model = new ArayList<Object>();
//make some objects here
//add the objects to the list
public List<Object> getModel() {
return model;
the thing is that I want to share this model with both of the views, because if I go and write this:
and assign it to some list within each of the views, then surely they will have their own copy of the model and I would like it to be shared...
how can I initialise my application in such a way that it both of my views can share the same model...
perhaps in Application.java??
sorry this is really new to me.
By the looks of it, you are using the singleton design pattern.
The reference leading to the List< Object >
would firstly need to be private, to prevent any sort of outside access.
This way, without a setter or any other way to access and change the model variable, if you access ModelProvider.INSTANCE.getModel()
you will receive the same ArrayList< Object>
The Eclipse OSGI Equinox framework does not alter the expected behavior of singletons
If both views are in the SAME plugin, alongside with the ModelProvider, the plug-in initialization will not be important.
If the views are in different plugins, that means that the plug-in that the ModelProvider is, should either be added in MANIFEST.MF file via Require-Bundle
directive, or the package where the ModelProvider is, to be added via the Import-Package
directive in the plug-ins that contain the views
I will edit my answer depending on the scenario you're talking about