It seems very simple and maybe silly. But I couldn't find a way to set reverse of the combobox disabled value into the a(id=add) visibility.
<combobox id="cb" model="@{cont.values}" autodrop="true" disabled="true" readonly="false" >
<comboitem self="@{each=val}" label="@{}" />
<a id="add" iconSclass="icon-plus-sign" visible="${cb.disabled}"/>
How to make this? The above form in my solution makes the exact opposite what I want.
Use EL expression NOT operator
visible="${not cb.disabled}"
Refer here for more details about EL expression operators within ZUML
Update: Here is a working sample
<combobox id="cb" disabled="true" readonly="false" >
<comboitem label="Test 1" />
<comboitem label="Test 2" />
<comboitem label="Test 3" />
<a id="add" visible="${not cb.disabled}">Add</a>