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Argument type is not assignable to parameter type although it inherits

I tried to write a MVC application with Identity from scratch. To do so I followed two tutorials from Ben Foster (Tutorial Part1 and Tutorial Part2)

But I stuck at the second tutorial - Configuring UserManager. The following line doesn't work for me:

    // configure the user manager
    UserManagerFactory = () =>
        var usermanager = new UserManager<AppUser>(
            new UserStore<AppUser>(new AppDbContext()));

Visual Studio underlines

new AppDbContext()

and shows me the following message:

Argument type "MyProject.DbContext.AppDbContext" is not assignable to parameter type "System.Data.Entity.DbContext"

I don't understand why it doesn't work in my solution because I followed completely the tutorial. My AppDbContext looks like:

namespace MyProject.DbContext
    using MyProject.Models;

    using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;

    public class AppDbContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
        public AppDbContext()
            : base("DefaultConnection")

My User class:

namespace MyProject.Models
    using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;

    public class User : IdentityUser
        public string Name{ get; set; }

I also downloaded the source code from Ben and tried to run it and it works without any problems. I think it doesn't make any difference that all of my files aren't located in the same folder?!

I hope you can help me. It's really frustrating if a simple tutorial doesn't work as it should...

Regards, winklerrr


  • I solved the problem by removing all the references that had something to do with owin and Identity and re-added them again.

    I think, the problem was caused by a discrepancy between the referenced dlls and the actual used dlls... (Played to much with the package manager console.)