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is time in mapdist function real-time travel time or static?

I am interested in driving distance and time using the mapdist function in ggmap.

Is this travel time timely updated (real-time traffic information) or constant (travel time is always the same whenever we use "mapdist" for each OD? Thanks!

mapdist(from='18.958011, 72.819789', to='18.958558, 72.831462', mode="driving", output="simple")

I got the information like time:

from                   to    m    km     miles seconds  minutes      hours
1 18.958011, 72.819789 18.958558, 72.831462 1304 1.304 0.8103056     241 4.016667 0.06694444


  • This function uses standard google API. There you can find that you would have to specify optional parameter departure_time to your request, to take traffic under consideration.

    And if you look into mapdist source code you can see that departure_time is not part of your request (neither as parameter, or default option).