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Adding to strings in C while listing Directories

I am trying to list a directories in a specific Dir in C. But the problem is when I want to add the path and the dir name. I wrote a function to add the path and dir name.

void setNewString(char* str1,char* str2)
    // Declare new buffer
    char* buffer = malloc(strlen(str1) + 1);

    // Set the buffer to be str1
    int m = 0,n = 0, o = 0;
    for (int p = strlen(str1); m < p; m++)
        buffer[m] = str1[m];
    buffer[m] = '\0';

    // Set str1 to be str2
    for(int q = strlen(str2);n < q; n++)
        str1[n] = str2[n];   

    // Continue the str1 and buffer to end.
    while(buffer[o] != '\0')
        str1[n] = buffer[o];
    str1[n] = '\0';

    // Free Buffer

And there is while loop to add the dir name together

while ((awesome_controller = readdir(awesome_dir)) != NULL)
    if ((awesome_controller->d_type) == 4 && strcmp(awesome_controller->d_name,"..") != 0 && strcmp(awesome_controller->d_name,".") != 0)
      // List All the folders.
      size = ((strlen(temp_awesome)) + (strlen(awesome_controller->d_name)) + 2);
      baby_dir[i] = malloc(size);
      baby_dir[i] = awesome_controller->d_name;

for example if I type in the dir: home/khaledmohammad/vhosts/

I get only 1 dir path: Output:

Dir 0: /home/khaledmohammad/vhosts/vcipher

But I know there are 3 dirs.

But when I change the setNewString() function's 15th number line


for(int q = strlen(str1);n < q; n++)


for(int q = strlen(str2);n < q; n++)

it seems to give me 3 dirs output but not complete.


Dir 0: /home/kvcipher
Dir 1: /homepset7
Dir 2: /home/khalocalhost

This happens because obviously when is set it to strlen of str2 the loop exits mysteriously.And I don't know why.

So my questions are:

1) Why this happens?

2) How to fix it?

3) And was my setNewString() function good enough or I have mistakes or there is a better way of doing it?


  • Here is setNewString() implemented via the standard string manipulation functions:

    void setNewString(char* str1,char* str2)
        // Create a copy of str1 in newly-allocated memory
        char* buffer = strdup(str1);
        // make the existing str1 a copy of str2
        strcpy(str1, str2);    
        // append buffer to str1
        strcat(str1, buffer);
        // free the buffer

    Note also that whereas this...

    baby_dir[i] = malloc(size);

    ... is basically ok, when you combine it with this ...

    baby_dir[i] = awesome_controller->d_name;

    ... you have a memory leak. It looks like you probably want the second line to be a strcpy() instead, as @BLUEPIXY suggested.

    But then you're seriously overlapping the actual behavior of setNewString(). Personally, I'd drop setnewString() altogether, and just write the main loop like this:

    while ((awesome_controller = readdir(awesome_dir)) != NULL)
        if ((awesome_controller->d_type) == 4 && strcmp(awesome_controller->d_name,"..") != 0 && strcmp(awesome_controller->d_name,".") != 0)
          // List All the folders.
          size = ((strlen(temp_awesome)) + (strlen(awesome_controller->d_name)) + 2);
          baby_dir[i] = malloc(size);
          strcpy(baby_dir[i], temp_awesome);
          strcat(baby_dir[i], awesome_controller->d_name);