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Having onchange event fire when input value set from data

I've been looking at many two-way data binding libraries and so far haven't found one that will fire onchange events when the input's value is set from a change on the model. Is there any way to do that with ractive.js?


  • It's possible, but is a little bit hacky. Browsers only fire the change event as a result of user interaction (rather than input.value = 'someNewValue'), so you have to watch the model and fire the event yourself:

    var ractive = new Ractive({
        el: 'main',
        template: '#template',
        data: { name: 'world' },
        twoway: false
    ractive.observe( 'name', function () {
        // name has changed, need to simulate an event
        var event = new Event( 'change' );
        ractive.find( 'input' ).dispatchEvent( event );
    ractive.find( 'input' ).addEventListener( 'change', function ( event ) {
        console.log( 'event was fired', event );
    // check the console!
    ractive.set( 'name', 'everybody' );
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id='template' type='text/ractive'>
        <h1>Hello {{name}}!</h1>
        <input value='{{name}}'/>

    Note that twoway binding has been disabled, otherwise you'd get extra events firing all over the place when the user did interact with the input - so you would need to listen for input/change events and handle those interactions yourself.