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Can I use ractive templates standalone?

In order not to proliferate templating schemes through my app, I would like to use Ractive preparsed templates.

A preparsed template object is produced using Ractive.parse("template text").

How can this preparsed template be populated with variables at render time? I'm thinking of this kind of thing:

templ = Ractive.parse("<p>{{name}}</p>")
html = Ractive.renderTemplate(templ, {name : "Herbert"})  //=> "<p>Herbert</p>"

similar to how a template is compiled and rendered in underscorejs.

Thanks in advance


  • You can use a parsed template in the same way you'd use a string template - it just skips the parsing step:

    var parsedTemplate = Ractive.parse("<p>{{name}}</p>");
    var ractive = new Ractive({
      template: parsedTemplate,
      data: { name: "Herbert" }
    var html = ractive.toHTML();