We release updates to our product several times a year and we need to be able to make changes to customer's web.configs.
We want to be able to apply these changes via c#.
Has anyone used the ctt.exe program and implemented a wrapper class for it? On initial tests it seems to strip all whitespace which isn't ideal.
Found the Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform library which resolves this perfectly without needing 3rd party tools.
using Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform;
using (XmlTransformableDocument document = new XmlTransformableDocument())
using (XmlTransformation transformation = new XmlTransformation(transformFilePath))
document.PreserveWhitespace = true;
var success = transformation.Apply(document);
if (!success)
string message = string.Format(
"There was an unknown error trying while trying to apply the transform. Source file='{0}',Transform='{1}', Destination='{2}'",
sourceFilePath, transformFilePath, destinationFilePath);
throw new Exception(message);