I've got a StatusStrip with a single ToolStripStatusLabel, Spring=true and a background color for notifications.
The problem is that there's an ugly gray square on the right side of the status strip. After fiddling for a while, I realized this is the sizing grip (I had is set to SizingGrip=false, GripStyle=Hidden). Yet even with it hidden, it still hogs the space. I can't get any content on the status strip to extend all the way to the right.
How would you work around this? Note I can't just set the backcolor of the StatusStrip because the Status Label changes colors and has some fading effects.
The StatusStrip.Padding property is borked, it returns the wrong value for Padding.Right if the sizing grip is disabled. You can fix it in your form constructor, like this:
public Form1() {
statusStrip1.Padding = new Padding(statusStrip1.Padding.Left,
statusStrip1.Padding.Top, statusStrip1.Padding.Left, statusStrip1.Padding.Bottom);
Using the Left property to specify Right is the fix. Don't bother submitting this bug to Connect, they won't fix it.