I upgraded my Eclipse IDE for Java developers from Kepler to Luna using the worst possible upgrade feature of Eclipse and it messed up my current workspace totally. I added the update site for Luna - http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.4 and selected all and installed. Then it took an hour to figure out the conflicts and finally when it installed, my Eclipse is behaving very erratic.
Can anybody suggest what is the right procedure to upgrade? (I read the wiki and it doesn't work) and I am looking for methods that actually worked for you.
These are the times I some times cringe in pain and crave for a managed or paid IDE, as a simple task like "upgrade" should be so damn easy and click of a button"
Eclipse is notoriously known for being hard to upgrade to a new version in place.
Download and unzip a new, fresh Eclipse and import the extra things you have installed from the old installation.
Then import your existing projects again. Maven projects should be explicitly imported as such.