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SVN Delete with wildcard?

I'm migrating a VSS repository to SVN and inadvertently included all of the _vti_cnf, *.scc files in the first check-in. I'd like to remove these from SVN. (Not permanently, of course - just in the HEAD). The application in question is quite large, and finding and deleting these files on a folder-by-folder basis will take forever.

Suggestions? There must be some obvious way to do this, but the proximity of the weekend is interfering with my higher brain functions.


  • Jonas' answer should woirk fine. Maybe you are getting conflicts because you're deleting them on file system level, bypassing Subversion's control?

    If you can use TortoiseSVN, the following works for me (=I get the necessary commands in the context menu):

    • Open a search window
    • Search for all the unwanted files
    • Select them in the list
    • Right-click
    • Select "TortoiseSVN" > "Delete"
    • Commit the changes


    Usual disclaimer when giving version control advice, be careful, have backups, I'm not taking any responsibility etc. etc.