I have the below interfaces and classes for Hypergraph implementations from JUNG library. I extended interface Hypergraph to create interface ISimpleHypergraph to include few new methods and then create a new class SimpleHypergraph by extending class SetHypergraph and implementing ISimpleHypergraph.
I also created custom SimpleV and SimpleH types which have id and weight fields. Now how can I implement few methods in SimpleHypergraph utilising the id fields? Inside SimpleHypergraph SimpleV and SimpleH are not recognizable. Any suggestions or even better way to do this?
Note that, interface Hypergraph and class SetHypergraph are part of the JUNG libray.
public interface Hypergraph<V, H> {
// Other definitions
public interface ISimpleHypergraph<V, H> extends Hypergraph<V, H> {
H get(int id);
H get(Set<V> vSet);
// Other definitions
public class SetHypergraph<V, H> implements Hypergraph<V, H> {
protected Map<H, Set<V>> edges;
// Other fields
public SetHypergraph() {
edges = new HashMap<H, Set<V>>();
// Other methods
public class SimpleHypergraph<V, H> extends SetHypergraph<V, H> implements ISimpleHypergraph<V, H> {
public H get(int id) {
// How to use SimpleH.id and SimpleV.id here to get the
// searched Key entry from the Map<H, Set<V>> edges
public H get(Set<V> vSet) {
// How to use SimpleH.id and SimpleV.id here to get the
// searched Key entry from the Map<H, Set<V>> edges
public class SimpleV {
public int id;
public int weight;
public SimpleV(int id, int weight) {
this.id = id;
this.weight = weight;
// Other methods
public class SimpleH {
public int id;
public int weight;
public SimpleH(int id, int weight) {
this.id = id;
this.weight = weight;
// Other methods
public interface Hypergraph<V, H> {
// Other definitions
public class SetHypergraph<V, H> implements Hypergraph<V, H> {
protected Map<H, Set<V>> edges;
// Other fields
public SetHypergraph() {
edges = new HashMap<H, Set<V>>();
// Other methods
public interface SimpleHypergraph<V extends SimpleV, H extends SimpleH> extends Hypergraph<V, H> {
H get(int id);
H get(Set<V> vSet);
public class SimpleHypergraphImpl<V extends SimpleV, H extends SimpleH> extends SetHypergraph<V, H> implements SimpleHypergraph<V, H> {
public H get(int id) {
// your code
return null;
public H get(Set<V> vSet) {
// your code (V is at least SimpleV, so you can use its accessible properties/methods here
return null;
// example of usage
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimpleHypergraph<SimpleV, SimpleH> simpleHyperGraph = new SimpleHypergraphImpl<SimpleV, SimpleH>();
Set<SimpleV> set = new HashSet<SimpleV>();
set.add(new SimpleV(1,1));
set.add(new ComplicatedV(1000,1000));
SimpleH h = simpleHyperGraph.get(0);
h = simpleHyperGraph.get(set);
public class SimpleV {
private int id;
private int weight;
public SimpleV(int id, int weight) {
this.id = id;
this.weight = weight;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public int getWeight() {
return weight;
public void setWeight(int weight) {
this.weight = weight;
// Other methods
public class SimpleH {
private int id;
private int weight;
public SimpleH(int id, int weight) {
this.id = id;
this.weight = weight;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public int getWeight() {
return weight;
public void setWeight(int weight) {
this.weight = weight;
// Other methods
public class ComplicatedV extends SimpleV {
public ComplicatedV(int id, int weight) {
super(id, weight);
Avoid using public / protected access modifiers for class properties. Use getters and setters instead.
You may make your interface SimpleHypergraph generic but I think it's redundant in your case.