I'm looking at a web site developed by someone else and am trying to troubleshoot an issue where the back button doesn't function correctly. Because this is not my code, I'm not exactly sure where the best places to prioritize my troubleshooting would be.
I'm trying to figure this out quickly - my questions are: What are some common things that would cause this? What are some areas to check that are very likely to be the culprit?
Here is the bug in action. If you click on any of the example portfolio items and then try to use the browser's own back button, you're taken back to the same page. I believe this is an issue of the routing in Angular but I don't know that for sure. Any ideas?
To fix the back button issue, you should make all your hrefs point to #/route_name instead of #route_name in your html for example change :
<a href="#about" .... </a>
<a href="#/about" .... </a>
I tested the solution on your site and the back button worked like a charm.